Unlike conventional liposuction, the idea of noninvasive laser lipo is not to remove fat cells, but to shrink them.

During each session of Laser-Lipo a technician places pads equipped with laser diodes directly onto the skin. The laser energy penetrates down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.



  • If you are Pregnant or believe to be Pregnant
  • No metal implants
  • No butt or hip injections or implants
  • No pacemakers
  • No anticoagulant drugs
  • No belly jewelry during service WILL HAVE TO BE REMOVE FOR SERVICE
  • No serious health conditions
  • No recent surgeries
  • No rashes or open wounds
  • Clients with an IUD cannot receive body cavitation on the abdomen.
  • How long does it take to see results?

    Most of our patients can see results after just one treatment. We highly recommend that each of your areas treated has at least two treatments per week until your desired results are achieved. Many actually see significant difference after 2-3 sessions

  • Treatment Schedule

  • Through some clients begin to notice results after one treatment. Most require 4-12 sessions to see maximum results.

  • Frequency

  • Two treatments per week for four weeks are recommended

  • What areas can be treated with Laser Lipo?

  • the most common treatments areas include

  • Abdomen

  • Back

  • Side

  • Waistline

  • Thighs

  • Arms

  • Under the chin

Non- Invasive Laser Lipo After Care?

Foe 3 days after your session it is recommended that you drink lots of water (at least 64oz), decrease caffeine intake, no alcohol ( your liver is working to get rid of the extra fat). No fatty meals, fried greasy etc.

Non-invasive, no scars, surgery, or downtime

Simple and takes a short time, you can return to your day to day routine soon after

Non-invasive lipo targets only fat cells, improves the skin's texture and celluite

Targets small fat pockets in problem areas where liposuction cannot be performed

It's FDA approved, meaning it is safe and effective

Cheaper compared to liposuction

A comfortable procedure as it fells like a warm deep tissue massage

Shorter treatment sessions, about 40 minutes implying that it is the perfect fit for a busy lifestyle

4-12 treatment sessions are recommended  

Apart from some redness which fades quickly, there are no noticeable scars 

Things you should know before and after your treatment: Please read carefully.

For all services listed; HYDRATION is a major contributing factor for maximum results. It is our recommendation that you hydrate at lease 2-3 days prior to your selected treatment and for the next 72 hours. A brief 30 minute workout immediately following Laser lipo and Lipo Cavitation is strongly suggested. DO NOT drink alcohol and try to stay away from sugars for the first 72 hours following your treatment.